We wanted to thank all of you who gave so generously this Christmas to our ministry. We so appreciated the cards and gifts sent to us and our kids and how we are remembered by you while we are serving here in Costa Rica. Our children were able to participate in the Christmas Program this year and it was a blessing to see them sing songs in Spanish about the coming of our Savior. Olivia didn't get to participate but found her way into the action of this photo.

Aidan and Abby by the nativity and in the program with classmate Marianna.
The program was a traditional choral and Aidan and Abby had to learn some songs in Spanish and role play the parts of the angels and shepherds. I think Abby's favorite part was getting her hair done by Daniella, one of the youths of the church. She asked me to take a picture of it so she could see the finished product - I was pretty impressed myself (not only with the hairstyle, but with the fact that she sat still and never complained about all the pulling and combing!) After a bout of stage freight, she sang beautifully and we had a great night. It is exciting for me (and a personal challenge) as a Mom to see my kids acclimate and try new things, even with the language barrier! It encourages me to be brave in a new culture and venture out of my comfort zone too!

"Look Mom! I'm a star!" Abby gets the model treatment from Daniella!