Saturday we spent the afternoon with a man named Coto, who attends our church in ParaĆso. He is a very generous man, always giving us new fruits and vegetables to try that are native to Costa Rica. He has a "finca" or small farm on a piece of property outside the city and invited us to visit him there. Here is a picture of Abby and Aidan inside a large plant that he had set up for us to take pictures!
The property itself was carved out of the jungle with all the variety of plants growing everywhere. Aidan enjoyed climbing on the volcanic rocks and just being a boy!
"Is that Mario?"
"Toro, toro!"
Unfortunately, I did not carry a pen with me to write down the names of all these plant that Coto showed us. Coto mentioned that this particular fruit that Aidan is holding was poisonous if eaten.
We have these flowers in our backyard too, but ours are not red like these. They are very waxy and collect the water in their petals when it rains. Coto took me on a tour of the property and wanted me to take pictures of everything!
The plant that Livy is holding was used by the indigenous to paint their faces and skin. The outside resembles a sycamore nut but it has an orange wet flesh inside that dyes whatever it touches.
There are even plants growing on the rocks!
Coto mentioned he had a small pool for the kids - well, it was actually a plastic storage container filled with water and buried in the ground! Still refreshing on a hot day!
Coto's view from atop his property.
The man himself! I made Coto get in one of the photos - here he is with his lemon tree. He also grows cas, sugar cane, chayote, - possibly more! His house is made out of concrete, bamboo, and scrap wood with a dirt floor and wood stove. Very rustic!