Since Dave's parents retired to Kentucky, we have had the opportunity to visit the Kentucky house on furlough a few times. On this unusually warm day in March I decided to take a few shots of my favorite sites along route 39. This barn is by far my favorite landmark nearing Grandma's house and the setting sun casts a nice shadow of the opposing tree.

Another landmark that lets us know we're within miles from the long driveway up to the Graef lodge is this church, Gilbert's Creek Baptist Church. Dave and I have attended this small country church in the past and enjoyed fellowshiping with the pastor there.

Ah, Manuel Lane...Aunt Millie's sign to let you know you've reached your destination! A quarter mile up the drive and you can go right to her house or venture left to Grandma and Granddad's house.

There are several barns along 39 but I must be partial to the red ones.

Olivia enjoying the swing from Costa Rica with Grandma on their porch.

This mansion of a home reminds me of the plantation homes that dot the southern landscape. I am not sure if it is occupied, but it stands out against the typical barns and homes along route 39.
Ok, not sure who Dewey Cooper is but there are several of these signs around town.
The south and race cars, need I say any more? Not sure what happend to this guy but looks like he has been put out of commission!
This black barn sits on the property bordering the Graef's and the cedar trees in the back mark their property line. We pass this barn as we travel up the quarter mile driveway of Grandma's house.