Turrialba Volcano - Nov. 2008

Turrialba Volcano - Nov. 2010
So do you notice any difference? Well, we had the priviledge of returning to the Turrialba Lodge this past weekend to host our first Roca Viva Church leadership retreat. Due to the recent landslides, the road to the camp we were going to use was closed, so we made some last minute changes. The view was breathtaking and right away we noticed how much more smoke and gases were coming from the the volcano since we had been there in 2008! It has been active again since April of 2008 and had a mini eruption of gases and ash over Christmas last year. Despite the possible threat of an ever smoking volcano and ash covered trees, the Lodge made a beautiful and rustic backdrop for our retreat!

We spent time together in the word and in fellowship with our teammates, the Woolfords and five Tico couples. Cam spoke on how despite all the riches and resources that we have, God chooses to use people to share the news about Christ. We also watched a movie on forgiveness, called Amish Grace.

The ladies took turns cooking the meals; here I am preparing eggs and gallo pinto for 14 people at 7 a.m. in the morning. I think my expression reveals that this may not have been the best time for my picture! Thanks honey!

The following day we broke into groups of men and women to discuss a study we were currently doing with the ladies about the power of our speech. Dave also led the group in some initiatives to help them understand some concepts about leadership, such as communication and decision making, in a fun way.

Here, their task was to make a specific shape out of the rope with their eyes closed!

Here Dave is explaining the rules of the initiatives and the goal they need to accomplish.
For those of you who only know Costa Rica by it's travel brochures and sunny beaches, here is an interesting group shot. With no heat, 50 degrees can feel pretty cold, especially when you add in some rain!