Mom with Olivia, the day she came home from the hospital
Transitioning through stages in life is often a hectic time - but they create vivid memories as you leave one stage and move on to the next. We are facing several transitions at once, and I am not sure if that makes it easier or harder. Having just lost my Mother a few weeks ago, I think it makes things a bit easier for me in that the change in routine will lessen my loneliness without her. However, I wonder if I will ever lose the urge to call her and update her on all the things that life as a missionary brings our way.
We are also transitioning in our ministry as we prepare to return to the States for furlough. We are saying our goodbyes to both the people and the country after 5 years. Not only will we be spending our time visiting churches and raising support, but also evaluating what our next step will be in our future. This transition brings both excitement and anxiety for the unknown future. When my position sways from the positive to the negative, I try to remember the scriptures that talk about worry and anxiety..."Do not worry about tomorrow, for today has enough cares of it's own." and, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." As we face these changes in life, isn't it good to know we have a God who cares for us, listens to us, and gives us a way out from the weight stress places on us?