Hi Friends!
This is our first attempt at 'blogging' - I thought it would be an easier way to keep you updated and send pics of Livy! Life in Costa Rica affords many fun stories of language boo-boos, interesting cultural facts, and other adjustments we've had to make. Most of all, it is a way we can keep in touch with friends and family. So... I'll give it a try (please be patient!)
Olivia is now 7 months old - hard to believe since she was 2 & 1/2 months when we arrived here. Ticos (Costa Ricans) usually don't take professional photos every three months like us, so it was difficult finding a place for portraits. A friend of a friend told me about a passport photo place with a make shift 'studio' (I use the term loosely). We felt adventurous and since the price was right (8,000 colones or $16) we took a chance. All those years living next to Sheri, a professional photographer, as well as a little photoshop experience paid off. She's a little serious here but I didn't have time yet to touch up the other photos! Jamie, do you think she looks a little like Becky?
Dave has been teaching ESL on Friday nights so sometimes the kids and I get a little bored. We decided to play some games, including 'who could find the craziest hat' - yes that's underwear on their heads! Does that come from the Graef side of the family? Poor Livy had no choice in the matter as big brother found a hat (on backwards) for her.
The following Friday we had movie night on the f
old out couch - unfortunately Livy didn't enjoy the barrage of constant affection flowing from her sister and brother. She is well loved and 'muy contenta' as they say here. For the grandparents who want to know the facts, she was 21 lbs 10 oz. at her 6 month check-up, can sit with help, and has two bottom teeth. She smiles at everyone and is affectionately r
eferred to as Gorda or Gordita here in C.R. ('fatty'). She makes every day better when we arrive home from language school and see her happy face! We're sorry we robbed you of the joy of seeing her, but we hope this Blog helps a little!
This is our first attempt at 'blogging' - I thought it would be an easier way to keep you updated and send pics of Livy! Life in Costa Rica affords many fun stories of language boo-boos, interesting cultural facts, and other adjustments we've had to make. Most of all, it is a way we can keep in touch with friends and family. So... I'll give it a try (please be patient!)
Olivia is now 7 months old - hard to believe since she was 2 & 1/2 months when we arrived here. Ticos (Costa Ricans) usually don't take professional photos every three months like us, so it was difficult finding a place for portraits. A friend of a friend told me about a passport photo place with a make shift 'studio' (I use the term loosely). We felt adventurous and since the price was right (8,000 colones or $16) we took a chance. All those years living next to Sheri, a professional photographer, as well as a little photoshop experience paid off. She's a little serious here but I didn't have time yet to touch up the other photos! Jamie, do you think she looks a little like Becky?
The following Friday we had movie night on the f
Hi Monika,Dave and children, What a wonderful way to share with everyone. No one looks worse for wear and your big adjustment in your life. Children are Beautiful! Too bad your mom doesn't have email. She would love it. I will give her a call and attest to the beautiful grandchildren she has. Hope you all have a blessed beautiful Christmas. I know you have blessed and made it easier for others in that part of the world. Give the little ones a hug and kiss for us. Love ya, Aunt Marilyn & Uncle Gene
Hey, Monika, this is awesome. Livy looks just like we remember Abby at that age - we think she is beautiful like her big sis. It looks to us like Aidan has grown another foot or so since we last saw him. Have you measured his growth? Mom is measuring David on a wall marking behind the picture in the little hallway near the garage. He has shot up 3 inches since April, but we think Aidan has the edge.
Keep the blogs coming. We love it. Mom & Dad G
Hi Monika!
I'm so glad to hear that you all are doing well. I'm also glad you've started the blog - it's going to be nice to check in on you regularly. Your children are so beautiful! And they look happy. I'll write you a big newsy letter when I finish the semester here in a couple of weeks, and I'll give you a call sometime soon, too!
Much love, Tracy
Dave and Monika and family, it is so nice to see the kids but we also would like to see pictures of you guys. We love you and are praying and thinking about you often.
Tracey & Michelle and kids.
Hi Monika! Your kids look like they'er really enjoying baby sister, who is getting SO big! Lia keeps asking about Abby. We are making Christmas cookies when I am done with school (as in graduated!!!!) and Lia really wants to send one to Abby. I'm not sure how it would fare in the mail, though. We'll figure something out. Love the blog, looks great! We pray for you often. ~Trina
Hey Bruder Yako! It's nice to know that I am related to a Delta Force "insider" now. How's if feel to be invited into their "special forces" group? Janna and I love your new Blog and just wanted you to know that we miss you guys! By the way, Aiden is getting soooooooo big! Don't tell Abbers..........But she is a CUTIE!!!!!!!!!! Janna said that I had to put something in here about Livy so here it goes......She looks like Abby. Janna also said to add that she's beautiful...you know how I feel about newborns & beauty. Love you guys.
Hi Dave and Monica!
Great to hear how you are doing on the field. Just wanted to let you know I pray for you regularly--that you would continue to adjust to your new ministry and that God would give you patience and perseverance as you serve him.
In Christ,
Jeremy Hall
Hey guys! What a great idea for keeping us all in touch! I'm excited to be able to hear and see how things are going with you all. The kids are beautiful as always and wow--Aidan DOES look really tall! It's strange to think how big they will all be next time we see you! Can't wait for Maya to meet her Costa Rican amiga. :) Love you and praying for you!
Hi, Felize Navidad!! Wow, Olivia looks just like Abby, and she's getting so big. Abby is so sweet, they wont be so small when we see you again. I am praying for you. It is so great to see pictures and hear how you are doing.
~Debbie Harold
Hi there Graef Family,
Merry Christmas!!! I'm so thankful that you started this blog. What a great way to keep up with you! The kids look great and just so happy! Keep those pictures coming! I can't believe how fast all 3 of your kids are growing...someone told me that a brick on their heads might hold them down, but I'm thinkin' that doesn't work so well. Our Ellie would throw the brick through the window first anyway:) We continue to pray for you and we hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!!
Love, Anthony, Colleen, Maggie & ELlie Torlone
Hi, missionary friends! It's fun to follow your progress through language school as Pedro is wading through it as well. It's exciting to see how GOD is faithfully meeting your needs!
Monika, RYC (regarding your comment) about the present for Ian ... Yes, we have been trying/praying/waiting to adopt again for most of the past year. If you browse through past posts (archives in the right hand column) on my blog you can read all about it! Our window of opportunity is quickly shrinking and we are very much hoping GOD will provide within the next month or two ...
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