Baptisms are always an exciting part of the ministry, especially when you have had the joy of leading them to Christ. Cristian, pictured above, his wife received Christ as savior this past summer. Since then, Dave has been working with Cristian in the Jui Jitsu ministry and I have discipled Zaidy. Dave performed their wedding in August and it has been so great to see their spiritual growth as a couple and their willing hearts to serve in the church.

Alison, Cam, Zaidy, Cristian, Jackie, Dave, Henry, Josue, and Leo
Our baptismal service took place Feb. 13th at the Jardin Sagrado camp, where we not only celebrated our newest members in the family of God, but where we also celebrated the love of God through our families.

One of the ladies in our church recently took a face painting class and used her talents for the Lord. Olivia opted for the tatoo after her last face decorating disaster resulting in glidder in her eyes!

During these last 6 months, we have been training 4 couples as leaders in the church and have assigned them each a group of people to care for (deacon care groups known as our "Hecho 2" groups). At the camp, each of the families came in a specific color that represented their group and competed against the other groups in family oriented games.

Freddy and China, center, are one of the couples currently being trained as leaders in Roca Viva.

Getting ready for the sack race!

We enjoyed a wonderful day of food and fellowship. Here, my sweet friend Ana and I pose for a quick pic on our way to the games.
It has been a priviledge to disciple these two wonderful ladies, Zaidy and Jackie, since August. Discipleship was such an important step in my own spiritual growth as a new believer and now I have had the joy to be on the other end. It is so encouraging to see how eager they are to grow, how committed they are to the Word, and how much they endure each day with their daily circumstances. Please pray for Zaidy as she is expecting a baby boy in May, possibly with heart defects and for Jackie, who recently started night school to find a better job to support her two children. Both of these ladies had a child who was also baptized the same day as well!
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